Diego Nuñez -ARGENTINA
Vice President
Natalia Lorenzo Ruiz – SPAIN
Elsy Acosta Pérez – VENEZUELA
Minutes Secretary
Dagny Castaneda – MEXICO
Juan Kapovic – ARGENTINA
Vocal / Member 1
Carlos Cardona – COLOMBIA
Vocal / Member 2
Luis Manuel Velázquez Mendoza- MÉXICO
Vocal / Member 3
Henry Rafael Cadena Povea – ECUADOR
Our Areas

Secretariat of Pedagogical, Specialties and Congresses
Laura Lopez – ARGENTINA

Secretariat of International Relations
Diego Nunez – ARGENTINA

Secretariat of Professional Affairs, Professional Ethics and Bioethics
Jose Edir Paixao Sousa – BRAZIL

Secretariat of Culture and Library
Florencia Rosa Cafarelli – ARGENTINA

Secretariat of Press and Publications
Carlos Alberto Cardona Ruiz – COLOMBIA
Membership and Donation

Minimum value of the donation 10 dollars u$s. Once the form is completed you will receive an email in which you will be redirected to a PayPal account to make the donation.

Diego Nunez
Diego Nuñez – Argentina. Lic. Psychology UAI. Specialist in Educational Psychology and Emergency Psychology, Stress Management and Intervention with direct and indirect victims. (Institute of Psychotrauma, Switzerland – Switzerland). Currently studying for a PhD in Higher Education
University and specializing in Resilience training – The Community Stress Prevention Center, Israel. President of the International Federation of Emergency Psychology, President of the Argentine Mental Health Association of the Psychology Chapter of the
Emergency and Intervention with victims in emergencies, emergencies, disasters and catastrophes. Former Director of the University Institute in Crisis and Emergencies, Health Care and the Environment. Coordinator and professor of Mental Health in Critical Incidents in the Accident Safety Degree at the "Comisario General HC Juan Vucetich Police University Institute" of the Ministry of Security of the Province of Buenos Aires. Coordinator of the “1st International Congress of Emergencies in Times of COVID”, October 25 to 29, 2021.
Coordinator of the “National Day on Migration and Human Support for displaced people and refugees”, April 2022. Coordination of the “National and Provincial Day on Risk Management”, San Luis, October 14, 2022. Coordinator of the “National Training Meeting in
Emergency Psychology, Victims and Stress Management for Self-Care of Intervening Personnel”, San Luis, October 15, 2022. Ministry of Security of the Argentine Nation.
Teacher in Emergency Psychology for the national emergency teams of the Secretariat of Federal Security Articulation of the Ministry of Security of the Argentine Nation. Coordinator and Teacher of the Course on Negotiation and Preventive Intervention in Suicide Attempts in the Directorate of Special Risks, Superintendence of Casualty Security of the Ministry of Security of the Province of Buenos Aires, and in the Provincial Directorate of Civil Defense of the Province of Buenos Aires, Emergency Psychologist Deputy Commissioner and Negotiator in the Special Risks Directorate, First Firefighter Psychologist in Argentina and one of the first in Latin America to incorporate the specialty. He has trained UN Blue Helmets, BOPE Brazil – Special Operations Battalion, Special Security Directorate “Halcón” Group, Park Rangers of Argentina, Military Firefighters of Brazil, Federal and Civil Police of Brazil, Red Cross of Ecuador, Bolivia and Paraguay , Firefighters, emergency personnel, security, health and teachers from Argentina and Latin America, also certifying Psychologists
who are being trained in Ukraine. University professor, researcher and author of articles. Author of the CAVI Technique – Vital Integrative Active Circle for stress reduction and management. Author and director of the following books; “Risk Management, Emergency Psychology and Humanitarian Support in times of COVID” ED. In Vivo, Brazil 2023; “Emergency Psychology” ED Judicial Power San Luis 2020; Emotional Psychological First Aid – Intervention with different victims” 2018; “Emotional Psychological First Aid –
for Firefighters in situations of emergencies, crises, panic and catastrophes” ED. Dunken 2005. Director of the University Diplomas in – Emergency Psychology and Intervention with victims in emergencies, disasters and catastrophes, – Conflict Resolution,
Crisis Negotiation and Mediation – Policies, Intervention and Prevention of Gender Violence, – Press and Communication in Emergency and Disaster Zones, – Migration and Human Support for displaced people and refugees and Specific English in Mental Health.

Natalia Lawrence Ruiz
Degree in psychology. Expert in Psychology of Emergencies and Catastrophes. Master in Post-Traumatic Disorders. Superior technician in occupational risk prevention . Specialist in Civil Protection and Emergencies. Member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Society of Psychology Applied to Disasters, Urgencies and Emergencies (SEPADEM). Founding member and secretary of the Association for Psychological Intervention in Emergencies, Emergencies, Crisis and Disasters (ASINPEC). Coordinator of the Emergency and Disaster Intervention Group of the Official Association of Psychologists of the Principality of Asturias.

Elsy Acosta Perez
Psychologist and Magister Scienciarium in Clinical Psychology, Rafael Urdaneta University. Training in psychological first aid, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain; Diploma in Emergency Psychology, Catholic University of Cuyo, San Luis, Argentina.
He belongs to the Federation of Psychologists of Venezuela. Full member of the organization Psychologists without borders, and founding member of FIPE.
Teacher in the international diploma course in emergency psychology, Health Care Coordinator of the State of Zulia in psychologists without borders, collaborator of Cuida Tu Mente international and carried out a private consultation in person and online.

Dagny Castaneda Espinoza
Lic. Psychology (University of Guadalajara). Diploma in Alternative Medicine (AMITA). Master in Gestalt Psychotherapy (INTEGRO). Master in Human Accompaniment Sciences (Kintu Institute). Diploma in Emergency Psychology.
Director of Psychological Content in the Electronic Magazine Dignity for Firefighters.
With 13 years of experience as a clinical psychologist.
Public servant since 2010.
Beginnings in the Mental Health Area of the Guadalajara Mexico Police.
He currently works in the Psychology Area of the Municipal Coordination of Civil Protection and Firefighters of Guadalajara, Mexico.
Focused on the psychology of the first line responder: Firefighter, Paramedic, Police, Rescuer.
Dedicated to the preventive training of professionals in the emergency and the psychological accompaniment of emotional consequences in the performance of work.
Workshop and Lecturer in private initiative with topics related to applied psychology in emergencies and civil protection.

Juan Kapovic
Graduate in Security from the University Institute of the Argentine Federal Police – IUPFA. His expertise applies to Risk Policies, Public Security Policies and Banking Security, Physical and Electronic Security, Cyber Emergencies, Cyber Security, Cyber Defense, IoT, Smart Cities applied to public security. ISO 9001, 27001-2004 standards. He is a university professor, also developing specific practice in infrastructure management and areas of energy and site security, SH and environment, expansion, security, special projects and risk analysis.

Carlos Alberto Cardona Ruiz
Firefighter with 20 years of service experience. Occupational Health Technologist. APH. Specialist in sustainable production and consumption. Fire Technician. Professional candidate in psychology. Diploma in emergency psychology. Diploma in psychological first aid. Esoerwbxi teacher and instructor for 10 years

Luis M. Velazquez Mendoza
He is a Psychologist specialized in intervention processes in Psychological Emergencies in the medical and pre-hospital field with more than 15 years of experience in the clinical field. Business consultant in the Management and Prevention of Psychosocial Risks. Emergency psychologist focused on crisis management and rehabilitation of psychological trauma. Professional speaker and instructor. Developer of diplomas, workshops, courses, Diplomas in Psychosocial Risk Management, Emergency and Disaster Psychology and Crisis Intervention at a professional level

Henry Rafael Cadena Povea
PhD in Education from the Andrés Bello Catholic University. PhD (c) in Psychology from the University of Palermo. Master in Security and Risks from the University of the Armed Forces. Own Master's Degree in Emergencies and Emergencies. Psychologist from the University of Havana. Founder of the Psychology degree at UTN. Research Professor at the Technical University of the North. Founding member of the Ecuadorian Society of Psychotrauma Attention to Crisis, Emergencies and Disasters (SEPACED). Representative of Ecuador in the Inter-American Society of Psychology (SIP) period 2021-2023. Resilience Ambassador for Ecuador for the Latin American Resilience Community of the National Autonomous University of Mexico UNAM. President of Povea Training Center. Ecuadorian Red Cross volunteer in the support area
psychosocial, risk management, prehospital care, psychological first aid. Author of books and papers on different lines of human behavior.

Juan Diego Carpio Espinoza
Clinical psychologist. Master in Psychology of Urgencies and Emergencies. Master in Sex Education. Specialist in Crisis Psychology, Emergencies and Disasters. Expertise in Public Safety and Psychological Assistance. Psychological Trauma in EMS Patients. Diploma in Leadership. ISTCRE teacher. Cañar Firefighter-Psychologist and National President SEPAED.

Laura Lopez
Bachelor of Nursing, Mg. International in Risk and Disaster Management. Master's degree in education. Coordinator of the Professional Area of the Bachelor's Degree in Nursing of the Military College of the Nation of the Argentine Republic. Professor at the National Defense University. Researcher categories of the UNDEF, University Extensionist with mention in three projects of national university interest. Author of scientific articles.

Lucia Maria Sena de Almeida
Psychologist. Major of the Health Official Staff of the Military Fire Department of Amapá (2012) and Clinical Psychologist of the Ministry of Health (2013). Teacher in University Higher Education and Instructor in Military Training Courses. French language translator/interpreter at the Cross-Border Cooperation Committee (French Guiana-Brazil) at CBMAP. Trained in Philosophy, Psychology, Law,
Translator of Letters-French. Silver Medal of Federal Recognition of the French Firefighters Federation – (Décision du Committee des Récompenses, on the date of (Paris-FR) March 30, 2016 – for services provided to international firefighter causes. Specialist in Clinical Psychology: phenomenological-existential psychotherapy; Mental health; Security, planning and response to emergencies in large events; Emergency Psychology; Psychological Evaluation; Criminal Investigation and Forensic Psychology; Teaching methodology, management and
french foreign language teaching in higher education.

Florence Rosa Cafarelli
Bachelor's Degree in Occupational Hygiene and Safety (in progress). He was a teacher in the SECRETARIAT OF FEDERAL SECURITY ARTICULATION of the MINISTRY OF SECURITY. Diploma in Climate Change and Fire Management at USAM. Specialization in Comprehensive Protection by SEPACED, Colombia. Creator of the Self-Care Guide for staff in emergency cases of the Ministry of National Security. Higher Technique in Social Psychology. Technician in Occupational Safety and Hygiene from the National Technological University (UTN).
Graduate and university professor in Emergency Psychology and intervention in Crisis, Disaster and Catastrophe from the Catholic University of Cuyo and the Argentine Mental Health Association (AASM).
Founding member of the International Federation of Emergency Psychology (FIPE). He was a professor at the University Institute in Emergencies, Crisis, Health Care and the University
Catholic of Cuyo. Instructor in wild and urban lifesaving (WFR) by AIDER Canada. Bleed Control Instructor (Stop the Bleed) by The American College of Surgeons. Instructor in Incident Command System (SCI). International instructor and facilitator.
Volunteer firefighter. Currently, and for 18 years, she has worked in the National Parks Administration of the Argentine Republic, currently in the training area of the Agency's Central House. Teaching provider of the National Institute of Public Administration
(INAP). Professor of the Coordination of Protected Areas of the National Parks Administration. Articles published in Argentina and Spain.

Jose Edir Paixao de Sousa
Lieutenant Colonel of the Military Fire Department of the State of Ceará (CBMCE), Ciudad Fortaleza, Brazil.
Magister in Public Health (Federal University of the State of Ceará – UFC), Crisis Manager for the American Coast Guard, Coordinator and professor of the Course of Attention to Suicide Attempts (CATS / CBMCE).
Observatorio Internacional de Psicología de la Emergencia, Apoyo Humanitario y Gestión Integral del Riesgo de la Federación internacional de Psicología de la Emergencia

Its purpose is through a framework of participation of monitoring in research and analysis as an information system for different governmental and non-governmental institutions, universities and communities.
For more information please contact us through the form, our mailbox or our networks.